Memorandum of Agreement Between Law School Shoolini University and Faculty of Law Jenderal Soedirman University
Judul Kerjasama | (belum diset) |
Nomor Pks | - |
Judul Kerjasama | Memorandum of Agreement Between Law School Shoolini University and Faculty of Law Jenderal Soedirman University |
Tempat Penandatanganan | India - Indonesia |
Tgl Penandatanganan | 2020-06-11 |
Ruang Lingkup Kerjasama | a. Both schools will promote opportunities for collaborative research projects and joint publications, to include research visits as necessary. b. FH Unsoed and SoL Shoolini will jointly plan a conference on a mutuaUy agreed topic. c. Details concerning the exact timing, location and funding for the conference will be mutually agreed upon in advance. d. FH Unsoed and SoL Shoolini agree to promote the successful realisation of this and future joint conference. e. In the future, SoL Shoolini may invite FH Unsoed professors to teach at SoL Shoolini and FH Unsoed may invite SoL Shoolini to teach at FH Unsoed. |
Nama Unit | Fakultas Hukum |
Tahun | 2020 |
Nama Lingkup Kerjasama | Nasional |
Tglentri | (belum diset) |
Userentri | (belum diset) |
Tglawal | 2020-06-11 |
Tglakhir | 2025-06-11 |
Tujuan Kerjasama | Law School Shoolini University |
Terinput Lakerma | (belum diset) |
Prodi PKS
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