Letter of Intent for Cooperation Between Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Laws International Islamic University Malaysia and Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Indonesia

Judul Kerjasama(belum diset)
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Judul KerjasamaLetter of Intent for Cooperation Between Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Laws International Islamic University Malaysia and Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Indonesia
Tempat PenandatangananMalaysia
Tgl Penandatanganan2023-12-19
Ruang Lingkup Kerjasama1.Joint research activities and academic programs
2.Exchange information, not limited to exchange of library materials but includes research publications
3. Staff mobility programs between two universities
Nama UnitFakultas Hukum
Nama Lingkup KerjasamaInternasional
Tglentri(belum diset)
Userentri(belum diset)
Tujuan KerjasamaInternational Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Terinput LakermaYa

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