Letter of Intent

Judul Kerjasama(belum diset)
Nomor Pks-
Judul KerjasamaLetter of Intent
Tempat PenandatangananJakarta
Tgl Penandatanganan2023-05-29
Ruang Lingkup Kerjasamaa. Desiring to promote mutual cooperation and strong relationship in the field of business, economics and accountancy;
b. Recognising the importance of the principle of equity and mutual respect and benefits;
c. Pursuant to the prevailing laws and regulation of the Government of THE PARTIES;
d. Do hereby declare their intention to cooperate in any of the following areas:
i. Exchange of academic and non academic staff
ii. Exchange of students
iii. Joint supervision of postgraduate students
iv. Joint research projects and publication
v. Joint conferences, lecturers, training courses, and seminars
vi. Other activities mutually agreed upon by THE PARTIES
e. This Letter of Intent is enforceable for a period of three (3) years, which may be extended with conditions that the negotiation of the terms for Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between THE PARTIES is active and cooperation in Para (d) is ongoing.
f. This Letter of Intent serves only as a record of THE PARTIES’ intentions and does not constitute or create any legally binding or enforceable obligations, expressed or implied.
Nama UnitFakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Nama Lingkup KerjasamaInternasional
Tglentri(belum diset)
Userentri(belum diset)
Tglakhir(belum diset)
Tujuan KerjasamaUniversiti Malaysia Sabah
Terinput LakermaYa

Prodi PKS

1Ekonomi Pembangunan Kelas Internasional
2Manajemen Kelas Internasional
3Akuntansi Kelas Internasional